At the auction, the price of 672,511 euro was offered for the purchase of 70% of the capital value. At the premises of the company, we still keep a bottle of champagne, with which we celebrated the victory after the auction, which seemed, to many at that time, as the Pyrrhic victory.

The entire amount was paid by the Consortium to the account of the Privatization Agency in the next 4 years, after which the employees officially became the owners of the company. With the expenses for the purchase of free-of-charge shares from former employees and various transaction costs, the total value of the investment (excluding the amount of mandatory investment) exceeded the current one of a million euro. For a company that (at that time) did not have any real estate property, this was probably the highest paid price in the entire course of privatization in Serbia.

It was also one of the few successful privatizations in which employees participated. In most other cases, for various reasons, and most often because of a discrepancy, privatizations were later annulled. Bearing in mind that the date of the auction fell to the very beginning of the economic crisis, this success is gaining additional dimensions.

Ten years have passed quickly, and today the company is even more successful in every way. Total capital is owned by 16 employees, out of which the vast majority were members of the Consortium.